a glance at the present...✨

I currently reside in San Diego, California and I attend San Diego State University. I'll be graduating in May and I am so excited to see what life has in store for me next.
During my time at SDSU, I have jumped at any opportunities to get more involved on campus. Before COVID-19, it wasn't unusual to see me on campus from 8 AM to 2 AM, attending classes and meetings, hanging out with my friends, studying in the library, giving campus tours, and generally hustling to wherever I had to be next.
The first organization that I joined on campus was Alpha Kappa Psi--
a coed, professional business fraternity that is open to all majors. I consider AKPsi to be an integral part of my root system at SDSU-- it taught me applicable skills and practices, like how to create a winning resume, how to conduct myself in business and interview settings, and most importantly, how to find the balance between fun and professionalism. The highlights of my time in AKPsi have been planning and hosting recruitment events with the Recruitment committee, and getting a little my second semester freshman year. Joining AKPsi as a first semester freshman was a daunting task and took a lot of work, but I am forever grateful that I pushed myself to become a principled business leader on campus.
The second organization that I joined was SDSU Ambassadors-- the official tour guides, orientation leaders, and student representatives of San Diego State University. I had the opportunity to interact, impact, and inspire current and prospective students and parents on a daily basis. Working with fellow students who felt passionate about facilitating a positive SDSU experience for others was incredibly impactful. The highlights of my time as an Ambassador include being flown to Seattle, Washington to speak at an Out-of-State admitted students reception, and also being invited to attend a student leader luncheon with administrators from the SDSU Office of Student Affairs. Due to a busy senior year and COVID-19, I stepped down from my role as an SDSU Ambassador. I feel lucky to have been a part of such an amazing team of dedicated, hard-working students on campus.
The third organization that I joined was Phi Delta Theta-- an internationally recognized social fraternity. My drive to join Greek life stemmed from my desire to continue to find and create my own community on campus. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, and also a person of color, I educated men in my fraternity about ways to be more inclusive, culturally aware, and respectful of those who are different than them. Not only have my fraternity brothers learned from me, I have also learned from them. Prior to joining, I felt uncomfortable and out of place around straight men because so many of them had felt the same around me in the past. I know feel more than comfortable working with and being friends with men that I wouldn't have met otherwise. The highlight of my time in Phi Delt was when I was elected to serve as our chapters Greek Week Delegate-- I was responsible for encouraging attendance at Greek Week events, collecting donations, volunteering at events, and helping choreograph a dance for the Greek Week Talent show. Our team, the Purple Team, won Greek Week after having the most attendance and raising the most money in the span of a week. At the end of Greek Week, SDSU Greek Life donated over $10,000 to Promises2Kids for children in the foster care system. Phi Delt has helped me become the best version of myself and has taught me that one man, is no man.
The fourth and final organization that I've been involved with is Business For Social Good-- a club that explores how students can create fulfilling business careers that contribute to the well-being of others and our communities. I am a co-founder and currently serve as the Vice President of Membership. With the help of my team, we created this organization to show students that businesses can be successful and generate profit, while still giving back to the people and communities they serve. So far, we have had 4 meetings and are still working on recruiting new members. The highlights of my time in BSG have been hearing an amazing presentation from Doctors Without Borders at one of our meetings, working with RiseUp Industries to assist formerly incarcerated gang members be reintroduced into society, and of course, making new friendships along the way. I am thrilled that BSG is part of my legacy that I will leave at SDSU once I graduate in May.
